Tag Archives: #onwithyourlifestartshere

Transitioning from the Ditch and to Your Life’s Path

A man walking up the stairs to go down.

  How do you get out of a ditch and up onto a path that is personally designed for YOU? And once you are there, how do you stay on that path? Today is a good day to evaluate the “stuck in a ditch” lifestyle you might be in and confront the overwhelming feelings you […]

Invitation to Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Water Baptism

A pink sky and some sand on the beach

  ON With Your Life starts here! Invitation to Receive Jesus Baptized into the Body of Christ I believe the Lord is reaching out to you, possibly answering a hearts’ cry you’ve had. I want you to know that God loves you and is offering you a FREE gift: the gift of His Son, Jesus. […]